Monday, January 19, 2009

The Future has Arrived | Phil Brennan
The heated debate about global warming has suddenly cooled off. It's no longer between the fanatic adherents of global warming (AGW’ers: Anthropogenic – human caused - Global Warming adherents) and the more sober minded so-called "deniers." It's now between the warmiacs and Mother Nature, and she’s winning handily.
In a contest between Al Gore and Mother Nature, she holds all the cards. And she's now playing them.
Global Warming Continues Nearly Unabated
Global warming continues unabated across the globe. It is even causing people in the Netherlands to sprain ankles and even break limbs.
This most recent evidence of Global Warming threatens to kill off at least part of the Spanish moss hanging from trees in the South, while in Illinois the temperatures dipped to 32 degrees below zero.
The N79 Eco: Nokia’s answer to Captain Planet
No charger? Smaller packaging? It’s what protesters sitting in the mud outside Heathrow have been waiting for
Nokia has launched an 'Eco' variation on its N79 handset. The difference between this and the conventional N79 is that the Eco is shipped (for £319, incidentally, the same amount as the normal version) without a charger. This means Nokia can reduce the size of the packaging and as a result help save the world.

On the surface of it, this minor contribution to saving our planet may have the more cynical among us muttering "marketing scam"...
"Global warming sceptics show money talks in New York"
A $144 reward can encourage you to be a 'free-thinking' climate change denier at a US conference

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