Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Global Warming | JoNova's The Skeptics Handbook (updated version)
Rise above the mudslinging in the Global Warming debate. Here are the strategies and tools you need to cut through the red-herrings, and avoid the traps....
Climate Change Fraud - Because the debate is not over - NOAA Claim Relative to 2008 is BS
Just this week, NWS threw out what would have been an all-time state record for Illinois based on NWS citing lack of confidence in equipment, claiming “ASOS better than AWOS”. Anthony Watts responded in this post ”when we see public information statements like the one yesterday from the National Weather Service telling us that the ASOS system is more acceptable that an AWOS system calibrated just the day before, I’m quite comfortable in calling BS on that statement.”

In the midst of cold arctic air that set or nearly set all-time local and state records (Maine at -50F and Rochelle at -38F), a NOAA press release pronounced 2008 was the 8th warmest since 1895 and that now all top ten warmest years have occurred since 1997. To which I and most other climatologists and meteorologists respond “BS”.
Carbon caps=EPIC FAIL - Megan McArdle
While George Bush was in office, progressives (or so I mote) deluded themselves that the problem was one of evil leadership that didn't care about the environment. Now that Barack Obama is coming in, that belief has become insupportable. Either Barack Obama, too, is evil and doesn't care . . . or it is not politically possible for any American leader to take serious action on global warming.
Exxon laughs all the way to the bank — MasterResource
The salient point is that ExxonMobil learned its lesson in the early 1980s, when it listened to all the energy experts who said that oil prices could only go up and that supply was constrained by a limited resource, and the finance professors who argued for diversification. They developed a healthy skepticism towards so-called experts and so-called definitive analysis, and stuck to their knitting, which has made them the most successful private oil company.

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