Thursday, January 15, 2009

Leicestershire villagers in 99% 'no' vote against eco-town plan
Some 99%, almost 1,000 people, who voted in a public ballot in Great Glen showed they were against the Government's 15,000 home eco-town initiative.

Local county councillor and chairman of CASCET, the group opposed to the eco-town plan, Kevin Feltham, said: "This result is a democratic smack in the face for the eco-town proposals. This poll with over 99% against the eco-town [964 out of 971 votes cast] is a real indicator of local opinion."
On RealClimate, Revkin comments on Lou Dobbs
Gavin, my strong sense is that this goes way beyond the mere tug of what I called the “tyranny of the news peg,” beyond “whiplash journalism,” and beyond “availability entrepreneurship” (Cass Sunstein’s view of folks exploiting some event that happens to fit an agenda, in this case cool temps). My hypothesis (not sure if testable) is that he’s catering to a fairly old, quite conservative viewership and shaping coverage to suit. Perhaps I’m wrong. Would love to discuss with Dobbs. But the moment we start picking and choosing voices and “facts” — to suit a particular argument or audience — we’re no longer letting reality rule our coverage.
But if Revkin was letting reality rule his coverage, wouldn't he dig around and find out exactly who is funding Al Gore's $300 million ad campaign?

Why is Revkin so interested in alleged climate realist funding but so very uninterested in climate alarmist funding?

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