Monday, January 12, 2009

More on the brainwashing of our schoolchildren
Yesterday, my students and I shared a discussion about their priorities and goals based on what they learned about in terms of current events. I was interested, although not terribly surprised, to learn that my class thinks that global warming, pollution, and healthcare should be President Obama’s top priorities.
SBVOR: Who is Kevin Grandia?
Attacking the messenger is pretty much the ONLY tactic EVER used by climate alarmists in their always feeble attempt to discredit the evidence against Man Made Global Warming. Such was the ONLY tactic employed by Kevin Grandia in this typically shameful HuffPo hit piece.

Now, I always prefer to address the science rather than engage in the politics of personal attack. But, in this case, I thought it would be both amusing and instructive to turn the tables on this Grandia slim bag.
White House Filling With Socialists
Obama has said emasculating our economy to pay homage to the religion of anthropogenic global warming will be a high priority in his administration, and he has picked a brazen socialist to advance that priority as “global warming czar.”
Obama’s New Climate Czar Beloved by Socialists | All American Blogger
The Earth has cooled since this whole scam began. This has been a brutal winter all across the globe and this last summer was mild. Look at what is happening, what has been said and what is being done. Ask yourself if you really believe this is about global warming.

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