Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Myth Of Global Warming |
Be careful if you see the Global Warming bus approaching. Folks are jumping off in incredible numbers. Al Gore himself must decide whether to "go down with the ship" or create another bogus cause from which he can rake in millions.When Gore left elected office, his net worth was estimated at about $2million . Now it's well over $100M, thanks to his movie "An Inconvenient Truth", and numerous speaking engagements about the subject of global warming.
But of course: Even if we contain the greenhouse effect, says a Tufts astrophysicist, we'll have another heat problem on our hands - The Boston Globe
Even if we contain the greenhouse effect, says a Tufts astrophysicist, we'll have another heat problem on our hands
Climate Observations: Reproducing Global Temperature Anomalies With Natural Forcings
It Only Takes NINO3.4 SST Anomaly, Sunspot Number, and Volcanic Aerosols Data and A Different Mindset

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