Monday, January 26, 2009

No wonder they hate debate | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Allow a debate on global warming, and it’s astonishing how many people will become sceptical in an instant...
SOLAR INFLUENCE UNDERESTIMATED by Professor Will Alexander « An Honest Climate Debate
Until now the climate alarmists exploited their untouchable status within the shelter of the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism. This has come to an end.

Our studies confirm that variations in received solar energy and not atmospheric discharges by burning fossil fuels are far and away the dominant cause of climate variability.
Coal, Glorious Coal! | All American Blogger
All around the world coal continues to be the energy source of choice. Americans who have plenty of it should, by any rational standard, be thrilled to use it. When our domestic coal is exported, it generates $4.1 billion and presently represents 2.5% of all U.S. exports.

For these reasons, the electricity it produces, the jobs it represents, the value as an export, and the way it does all this without polluting the air, there is ample cause to celebrate coal, glorious, coal.
Six Most Embarrassing Moments in Environmentalism | Skeptics Global Warming
Every so often it’s fun to take a step back and poke a little fun at the global warming alarmists here at Skeptics Global Warming.
Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr. Research Group News » A New Paper From Model Based Parameterizations To Lookup Tables: An EOF Approach By Leoncini et al paper 2008
Our new 2008 paper also further demonstrates that the answers provided on Real Climate by Gavin Schmidt with respect to parameterizations (see) do not adequately recognize that parameterizations in weather and climate models are engineering code. They are not basic physics.

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