Thursday, January 08, 2009

Not So Green: Obama's New Limo - Henry Payne - Planet Gore on National Review Online
During his campaign, Obama repeatedly scolded the Detroit Three for not “investing in more fuel-efficient technology for their vehicles, (while) spending their time investing in bigger, faster cars.”

Yet Obama has repeatedly shown an appetite for bigger vehicles. He drove a V-8 Chrysler 300C (before the Detroit press disclosed it and he sold it for a hybrid SUV). Then during the campaign he relied on the Secret Service’s Chevy Tahoes and Suburban SUVs.

While Friedman would sacrifice the president’s security for a symbolic, unarmored hybrid parade on Inauguration Day, Obama seems to have decided that preserving his life takes precedence over saving the planet.
Heliogenic Climate Change: CAFE killing Detroit (and people)
What insane ecotheism has wrought...

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