Thursday, January 29, 2009

Power Line - Milbank mocks the Goracle of doom
What's happening here? Milbank himself is generally a reliable indicator of mainstream liberal opinion. Is anthropogenic global warming not the crisis it's cracked up to be? Is Al Gore rightly deemed a figure of fun? Are those deferential Republican senators lagging indicators of correct opinion? Does Milbank owe those troglodytic Republican House members featured in his 2007 column an apology?
Though It would be a mistake to take any of Milbank's columns too seriously, his column today may suggest that "the climate" on anthropogenic global warming is changing, and changing for the better. But will it change in time to prevent the Obama administration from doing serious damage? We can only hope that Milbank will tackle the question some time soon.
Wong wrong to pick that cherry | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
But there’s something sneaky about this, nevertheless. The heat in Melbourne and Adelaide breaks no records - not like the cold these past weeks in the United States. So why seize on them as “proof” of anything?
Another view: More billions wasted on CO2 Hysteria: Byrd on Coal in Economic Stimulus
Byrd, who is the senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, worked to support $4.6 billion for the following coal projects:

· $2 billion for near-zero emissions power plants designed to capture and sequester carbon dioxide.

· $1 billion for Clean Coal Power Initiative (CCPI). Senator Byrd is the father of the clean coal technology program which is operated by National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) located in Morgantown, W.Va, and Pittsburgh, Pa.

· $1.52 billion for carbon capture at industrial plants.

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