Saturday, January 17, 2009

Power outages reported in Pell City
Hundreds of Alabama residents were without power Friday morning, after the frigid weather affected power lines.
High school students figure out ethanol is a waste, get published in peer-reviewed journal
Four high school students managed to put together a paper arguing that ethanol is bad from an economic, social, and environmental perspective. They then submitted the paper to a prestigious peer-reviewed journal, and got accepted for publication (PDF version of their paper here). High school students. Of course, the government can't figure that out, which is why it's busy subsidizing ethanol production on the grounds that it's good from an economic, social, and environmental perspective.
When high school kids can smell a rat, it's time for the rest of us dupes to take off our blinders and see the ethanol business for what it is -- a giant tax-money sucking scam.
Canada: The bitter truth about the bitter cold.  Can you really convince these people to spend trillions trying to make the Earth very slightly colder?
Our favourite winter pastime, complaining about the weather, is getting a lot of attention this week as temperatures dropped to -30 - not including the windchill.

It is extraordinarily cold.

And yes, we grumble and complain, whine and curse, and swear that future winters will be spent somewhere far south of here.

We are powerless to do anything about the weather, but we can put it in perspective.

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