Sunday, January 18, 2009

Some say New Orleans is poised to benefit from Obama's energy policies
Obama, who will take office Tuesday as the nation's 44th president, hopes to create five million jobs by investing $150 billion over the next decade in developing clean energy. He hopes to train workers to weatherize one million homes a year to use electricity more efficiently, create requirements for increasing the amount of the nation's electricity that comes from renewable sources, and implement an economywide cap and trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which are linked to global warming.
Midura said New Orleans can help Obama meet his goal of insulating homes, because her plan calls for weatherizing 2,500 homes per year. It would outfit another 300 per year with solar technology.
Recognizing this moment in history
Expect Obama’s global agenda to embrace the U.N.’s global warming program. The world is giddy about his inauguration because the world expects Obama to sign and support whatever the U.N. designs as a replacement for the Kyoto Protocol. The U.N.’s answer to global warming is substantial reduction in the use of fossil fuel in developed nations while allowing developing nations to do whatever they wish. Expect new energy taxes at the international, national, and state levels. Expect new tax-paid subsidies for alternative energy operations and new, punitive tax-increases for fossil fuel users. Expect Obama’s U.N.-inspired energy policy to be a ball-and-chain on the American economy.
Global Warming Polls - What Is Your Opinion On Global Warming
I must state at the outset, that, as a scientist, I can find no substantive basis for the warming scenarios being popularly described.

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