Saturday, January 03, 2009

The Status of "Spaceship Earth"
Today, Lovelock believes that a rapid drop in carbon in the atmosphere could actually do more damage than good. He believes that the global warming that we are currently experiencing is offset by a cooling of 2-3ºC, caused by Global Dimming -essentially, the reduction of direct irradiance at the earth’s atmosphere as a result of industrial pollution, known to others as aerosol particles.

It’s a horrible catch 22 situation that leaves only a very small gap for any joy at all. If we continue to do nothing (note the use of the word continue), then we will doom ourselves. If we do do something, like a massive cut back in the emission of carbon in to our atmosphere, Lovelock believes that we would further damage Earth.
Why alleged global warming is allegedly driving penguins toward the Equator | GreenTech Pastures |
A raft of Magellan penguins have turned up in Brazil thousands of miles north of their usual ocean haunts. Some scientists blame the changing ocean temps and currents caused by global warming. About half of the birds have been saved despite their wayward ways.

How does global warming affect these penguins? It changes both the surface temp of the Atlantic. It’s now one degree warmer than in past decades. That may force the birds’ anchovy dinners to dive deeper. Thus the birds kept migrating northin search for anchovies and found none, starving and stranding many. Scientists observing the penguins say they waters around Patagonia where they breed are now far less salty. That’s due to melting glaciers pouring more fresh water into the nearshore ocean. Also the rainfall in that region is increasing.

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