Tax, Baby, Tax! - Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore on National Review Online
I really wish the Tom Friedmans of the world would take the next step in this discussion and let us know where, exactly, we're going to get all of these magic batteries? Mining metal for batteries is not what you'd call a carbon-free endeavour, nor is there an endless supply of the natural resources needed for Friedman's electric grid based on distributed electron storage in America's car batteries.American Thinker Blog: Documenting the Global Warming Fraud (continued)
The scientific fraud underlying global warming theory is starting to be exposed, as data manipulations have been discovered, and now, news of the placement of temperature measuring devices in locations designed to yield artificially high readings, such as next door to a crematorium. The excellent site Watts Up With That exposes the data-gathering scandal...
So why on earth would NOAA choose this location? It seems to me that Congressional hearings are called for. But of course that would require a Congress interesting in finding out the truth about alleged global warming.
Now it is really over . . the Huffington Post has turned on Gore . . really !
"You are probably wondering whether President-elect Obama owes the world an apology for his actions regarding global warming. The answer is, not yet. There is one person, however, who does. You have probably guessed his name: Al Gore.
Mr. Gore has stated, regarding climate change, that "the science is in." Well, he is absolutely right about that, except for one tiny thing. It is the biggest whopper ever sold to the public in the history of humankind.
What is wrong with the statement? A brief list:"
read the rest
Perhaps Mr. Friedman should study batteries a bit more. Then he would know that batteries do not "store electrons". Batteries store energy in the form of electrostatic potential energy obtained by moving electrons from one electrode to the other creating a charge difference between electrodes but the total number of electrons in the battery remains the same and as whole a battery is neutral, has no total charge. His comment about "storing electrons" was not necessary to the argument that he was making and, I presume, was put there to show off what he thought was his technical knowledge. It backfired.
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