Thursday, January 29, 2009

"Teaching" on the Phone « Farmer’s Daughter
Me: Yes. Shipping items across the country burns fossil fuels, leading to pollution and greenhouse gases which cause climate change. I’m not going to purchase your video, so sending it back would mean more shipping. I’m just trying to do my own little part here for the environment.
Jennifer Marohasy » First Author of ‘Antarctic Warming Paper’ Claims Libel
[Eric Steig] You do not comment on this, but simply cite it. However, you are clearly
implying that you agree with it because you do not comment. Are you prepared
to either remove this from the web site immediately, or to provide evidence that I have committed fraud? This is a very extreme accusation. Indeed, it seems rather like libel to me. I would like to request a formal apology from you, in writing.

I am cc:ing several journalists on this, so hopefully inaction of your part will be noticed.
Power Line - The Name is a Clue
But this simple explanation--snowy owls are following cold weather and snow southward--escapes the Associated Press. To the AP, the owl's behavior is a mystery. Maybe a shortage of lemmings is driving the owls south? But no! The lemming population is thriving. That being the case, it's an insoluble puzzle. The obvious explanation, cold weather, is unmentionable.

What's doubly absurd about this is that when species have moved North, the AP and other news outlets have robotically attributed the migration to global warming. Like moths, opossums, and various flora and fauna.

In 1974, when armadillos were moving southward, Time magazine saw a "telltale sign" of global cooling that threatened the survival of humankind. But that was then, and this is now. The media are trying to sell global warming rather than global cooling these days, so if a cold-loving animal packs up and moves south, it can only be a mystery.

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