Tuesday, February 17, 2009

American Thinker: Has NASA's Hansen Finally Lost His Mind?
It pains me to type this, but this guy's whacky ideas make even Al Gore's lunacy ring marginally sane.

Even after last week's annual American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) meeting, at which the Goracle likened his battle to stop global warming to that of 19th century abolitionists fighting to end slavery.

Indeed -- in gauging the measure of a movement, one need not delve far beyond its leadership.
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It is virtually shoved down our throats that scientists are in complete agreement about global warming. Al Gore and the media assure us there is an absolute consensus in the scientific community that humans are heating the planet and irreversible damage is looming as a result of man's carbon output. The truth is, there is not an irrefutable consensus. How about some intellectual honesty? Reasonable debate? Or, in the least, a different explanation. Below is one of the largest collections of articles and opinion pieces on the Internet, many written by respected scientists, climatologists, meteorologists and professors who dispute the apocalyptic "man-made" explanation of global warming.

This list will continue to grow, so check back frequently.
A Response to Cali’s Weekend Twitter Circus at The Bird’s Brain
The issue of “global warming” is a complicated one, which is why it is so easy for people to muddy the waters of public opinion. I find it sad that people have become so polarized over wording and not the crucial issue of humanity. Will humanity survive a dramatic period of climate change? Probably, but at what cost? And, given what benefits?

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