Sunday, February 22, 2009

America’s Swimming in Coal | CleanBeta

RoguePundit: Smarter Than Our Governor
- Despite what he says about climate change, [Governor Kulongoski] can certainly look like a hypocrite on the subject. He supports removing dams that produce renewable energy, because evidently salmon are a greater concern than climate change. And rather than keeping a consumption tax on carbon usage, Kulongoski is considering switching to a mileage tax that reduces the incentive to drive a fuel efficient vehicle. Yeesh.
The Drunkablog: Earth Hour approacheth!
Here's the Earth Hour US website. It's clunky as hell, so explore at your own risk. Notice at the bottom of the homepage the companies sponsoring the event, including Coke and Hewlett-Packard. Capitalist, meet rope.

The most interesting sections are the one designed for the kiddies (warning: sappy music starts immediately) and the teacher's guides designed to hype the event and spread gimpel wimping propaganda to yoof.

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