Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Awwww: Alleged Ocean Acidification Could Leave Clown Fish (Like Nemo) Lost at Sea
Ocean acidification, the second part of the one-two punch packed by global warming, has been shown to disorient young clown fish and prevent them from finding their way to their natural habitats.
Environmentalists Press Democrats With ‘Non-Negotiable Demands’
Reid and Pelosi say they want to move climate-change legislation through Congress this year. That goal may be more realistic now, with Barack Obama in the White House and Representative Henry Waxman heading the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Waxman, who backs stringent climate-change goals, replaced John Dingell of Michigan -- the auto industry’s closest ally in Congress -- as the panel’s chairman.

Pelosi last month praised Waxman’s plan for his committee to vote by Memorial Day, May 25.

“I share his sense of urgency,” she said in a statement.

That urgency is also felt by environmentalists. With Democrats holding 58 of 100 Senate seats and with a 77-seat advantage in the House of Representatives, they want to seize the moment. And they haven’t been placated by recent victories.
George Monbiot berates Telegraph columnist Christopher Booker | Environment | guardian.co.uk
Today I am launching a new and much-coveted award. It is called the Christopher Booker Prize. It will be presented to whoever manages, in the course of 2009, to cram as many misrepresentations, distortions and falsehoods into a single article, statement, lecture, film or interview about climate change. It is not to be confused with the Man Booker Prize, although that is also a prize for fiction.

The prize consists of a tasteful trophy made from recycled materials plus a one-way solo kayak trip to the North Pole, enabling the lucky winner to see for himself the full extent of the Arctic ice melt.
Christopher Booker on alarmist kayaker
Much publicity was given, for instance, to Lewis Gordon Pugh, who set out to paddle a kayak to the Pole to demonstrate the vanishing of the Arctic ice. At 80.5 degrees north, still 600 miles short of his goal, he met with ice so thick that he and his fossil-fuelled support ship had to turn back.

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