Friday, February 13, 2009

Can't Congress pass legislation to make Moore's law apply to engines?
[Q] Is there a Moore’s law for energy efficiency inside an engine?

[A] I don’t think so. But we’ve looked at the data on how engines have improved. Typically, in terms of the power you get out of a given-sized engine, or its efficiency, you are gaining about 1% a year. So over ten years, you pick up 10% or so.

[Q] Will the internal combustion engine survive indefinitely with constant improvements or will it be put out to pasture in the next couple decades?

[A] It depends on the application. It is very good in long-haul trucks and big ships, because you need a long range. You want an efficient propulsion system. You have to carry a lot of fuel. Liquid hydrocarbons are terrific for that. So those are areas where it will be really hard to displace the internal combustion engine. Around the fringes, yes, other things may come in. Certainly, over the next 30 years, it is going to be our dominant propulsion system. But other may start to nibble away at that market in increasing amounts.
ANALYSIS-Low carbon price to cut renewables investment | Markets | Reuters
LONDON, Feb 12 (Reuters) - Record low carbon prices have cut the attractiveness of investments in renewable energy and may even favour the construction of new, high-carbon coal plants, conflicting with the aims of Europe's carbon market.
Twitter / Chad
I'm starting to blame everything on the economy. I used to blame stuff on El Nino and global warming, but those have lost their luster now.

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