Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Chair in Climate Change : Sussex BN1 9RH United Kingdom : Naturejobs
We are seeking an outstanding research leader whose research focuses on bringing together the physical and social causes, manifestations and consequences of climate change.
July '07: Global Warming In A Nutshell - Bill's Commentary - William Gairdner, True Conservative
What follows is a nine-page critique of the so-called "global warming" scare that has taken the world by storm. It took a lot of time and effort to pull this together. I hope readers will agree it is sufficiently comprehensive to put this whole topic in a reasonable perspective.
Nasa climate change rap | Environment |
I know what you've been thinking. When is the hip-hop community going to give its take on climate change? Well, as you can see from the video above, the wait is over.

I doff my cap at them for at least giving it a go – and I really do hope it hits home with the demographic they're targeting - but this is one of the funniest and most excruciating music videos I've seen in a long, long time.

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