Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Some climate realism rises up in Tech-land

1. Cali Lewis started an Internet firestorm when she publicly expressed some climate realism this week.

Luria Petrucci: Information from
Luria Petrucci (aka Cali Lewis) (born January 25, 1981[1]) is an American podcaster and Internet personality best known for her video podcast GeekBrief.TV and her guest host role on Call for Help.
2. After alarmist Leo Laporte slammed Lewis' realism, Adam Curry strongly supported Lewis' side
#821 Daily Source Code For Monday February 16th 2009 [MP3; start at the 30:30 mark]
Adam Curry: Biography from
Television audiences know big-haired "video jockey" (VJ) Adam Curry as the host of the 1980s' "Top 20 Countdown" on MTV, and Internet users know him as one of the first celebrities to emerge on the World Wide Web.
3. Both Laporte and Curry mentioned that John Dvorak is also a climate realist.

John C. Dvorak: Information from
John Charles Dvorak [1] (born 1952 in Los Angeles, California) is an American columnist and broadcaster in the areas of technology and computing. His writing extends back to the 1980s, when he was a mainstay of a variety of magazines. Dvorak is also the Vice-President of Mevio (formerly PodShow) and well known for his work for Tech TV.
4. Jerry Pournelle has also been speaking out:  From January 2008
The Global Warming Hoax continues. Not that warming itself is a hoax; the Earth probably is warming. There may even be a contribution from CO2. The hoax is (1) that the CO2 is the major factor responsible for the warming, and (2) the best course is some kind of crash course in carbon elimination. And with the hoax is a scam: that you can pay money to Al Gore or someone else who will do something to balance your carbon emission and thus give you expiation.
Jerry Pournelle: Information from
Since 1998, Pournelle has maintained a website with a daily online journal, "View from Chaos Manor", in effect a blog dating from before the use of that term.

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