Sunday, February 01, 2009

The debate about global warming gets nasty
...A more acerbic assessment came from retired Navy meteorologist Dr. Martin Hertzberg who wrote, “Not only is it false that human activity has any significant effect on global warming or the weather in general, but for the record, global warming is over. The fear-mongering hysteria about human-caused global warming is completely unjustified and is totally counterproductive to our Nation’s essential needs and security.”

Nation Magazine columnist Alexander Cockburn added this opinion, “It is a tribute to the scientific ignorance of politicians and journalists that they keep regurgitating the nonsense about human-caused global warming. The greenhouse fear mongers rely on unverified, crudely oversimplified models to finger mankind’s sinful contribution.”
July '07: Top Global Warming Advocate: Jupiter & Saturn Closer To Sun Than Earth
ALEX JONES: "The polar icecaps of Mars are receding at several miles a year, much faster than ours and that the moons of Saturn and Jupiter are melting, in fact several of their moons were ice and are now liquid seas - how are SUV's causing that David Rothschild?

ROTHSCHILD: "Because those planets are closer to the sun, my friend."
Saul Griffith (Free Podcast)
Saul Griffith’s game plan, a solution framework for the climate challenge, begins with a 6-step model. Assume changes in CO2 cause climate changes. Choose a temperature where we’d like to set the planet. From temperature, calculate how much carbon we can burn. Figure out what fuels we can burn. Analyze new energy sources. Finally calculate a new, survivable energy mix. His primer on energy units makes his model accessible to all, no matter their level of technical knowledge.

Griffith then shows the audience how he calculated his personal energy consumption based on his lifestyle and the changes he will need to make to use no more than his share of the total energy resources coming out of his model.

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