Monday, February 09, 2009

Does Ethanol Save Consumers Money at the Pump? - Marlo Lewis - Planet Gore on National Review Online
That’s what the corn and ethanol lobbies claim. In fact, filling up with ethanol is a big fat money-loser, as you can see for yourself by visiting, a website jointly administered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Energy (DOE)...
Gore preaches global warming, uses private jet and limo (
...But James Taylor, senior fellow of environment policy with the Heartland Institute, questions the hype.

"Well, [Gore] needs to continue to drum up interest in his very difficult global-warming scheme that he would impose upon the American people. We know that it would be extremely costly," he contends. "President Obama himself has admitted that rationing and reducing carbon-dioxide emissions would cause electricity prices to skyrocket. So unless the Al Gores of the world dream up all sorts of new scares and higher risk scenarios, the public isn't going to buy into it."

James Taylor (Heartland Inst.)Taylor says if the crisis is as bad as Gore is predicting, one must question why he would fly a private jet into Washington and then take a limo to Capitol Hill instead of using public transportation.
Get real on global warming scare | | Detroit Free Press
[Joseph C. Tatham] Despite the Detroit Free Press editorial staff's hysterical rant, global warming due to carbon dioxide emissions is not settled science, and the "doom and gloom" predictions for the planet are equally hysterical predictions not shared by many reasoned and famed scientists who don't deserve to be called "ants at the picnic" ("Time's short for planet," Feb. 1).
Reining in the "pale horse" of the theocratic fundamentalist Greenies
Is Al's "movie" not a case of CHILD ABUSE — by inflicting our school children with even more eco-anxieties and phobias (all based on false conclusions based on false premises)?

An inconvenient fact is that the Boy-who-cries-wolf is always the last one to know that he is being laughed to scorn. Another fact is: The first sign of Boys-crying-wolf is a convenient lack of understanding of "cause-and-effect." REAL science is very careful to distinguish between "causality" and coincidence.

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