Friday, February 27, 2009

Environmentalists Caused Climate Change, Ask Forgiveness - Chris Horner - Planet Gore on National Review Online
Oh this is wonderful. The Scientific Alliance (UK) newsletter has the following discussion in the context of several prominent climate campaigners confessing their sins of having been anti-nuclear activists.
Obama’s Energy-Independence Doubletalk - Drew Thornley - Planet Gore on National Review Online
So, which is it gonna be? Lessen our dependence on foreign energy, or refuse to tap our nation's plentiful natural resources? You can't have it both ways.
GORE LIED: Candid green blogger says Al Gore should "find a way to concede his political bias without conceding the science behind climate change"
That's a tough one for Gore. He'd say that this has nothing to do with politics, and everything to do with science. And he'd be wrong. And he has only himself to blame. And Oakleigh would agree, as he/she wrote in the blog post.
The Big Lie | Coyote Blog
I try to never use “lie” or “liar” when discussing politics. They have become perhaps the most abused and overused words in political discourse, and seldom do they add much to a discussion.

But I simply have no other way to reconcile Obama’s promise that he is not raising taxes on 98% of Americans with his imposition of a cap-and-trade system for CO2.

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