Monday, February 23, 2009

GE and the climate scam
GE sees opportunity in alternative energy, and produces equipment to reduce greenhouse gases. The historian Paul Johnson pointed out that climate change is one of the three great frauds of the 20th century (the other two are Marxism and Freudian psychology). All three claim to be based on science, but they are no more scientific than tarot card reading. GE understands climate change is a fraud, but they see profits in the scam, and so they are on board. They employ the PR power of their networks, as well as massive lobbying dollars to promote this silliness.
YouTube - Don't miss this one: Dr James Hansen of NASA calls for vegetarianism!


April E. Coggins said...

"....changing your lightbulb is much less effective than changing your diet....." ~ James Hansen.

From the Seattle Times:

On Sunday in Beijing, the last day of her four-nation trip, [Hillary] Clinton patiently responded to a question during a live webcast interview about what she and husband Bill do to save energy.

"We use compact fluorescent bulbs."

Anonymous said...

If we all become vegetables, as the "selected" egoists wish, WHO will stop them to end their canibalism, before they get extinct?
They "forget" pharao, Roman, Maya and ALL feardoms COLLAPSE, but we don't!