Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Global warming: science never stood a chance :: Emma Hartley
Staring glumly at the stacks of my rubbish in its various containers nestling on the pavement from which Tower Hamlets council has failed to collect it, a scant frosting of snow still visible, I found myself wondering whether this qualified as irony: all the careful reorganisation of one's waste in the name of preventing global warming, its collection stymied - nominally - by a big dump of snow?
But I ask you, what are the chances that a doctrine so psychologically convenient for so many people is, on balance, correct?
Bravo, Sen. Walter Stosch (R-Glen Allen)
Got a constituent email from Sen. Walter Stosch (R-Glen Allen) forwarded to me. Check out this paragraph (emphasis mine):
There are a host of bills to encourage increased investments in clean or "green" businesses plus regulations on those businesses which are not. Many initiatives come from the Governor's Climate Change Commission. The Commission based its recommendations on the view that global warming is a settled matter of fact and decided that Virginia should pursue strategies ahead of whatever initiatives the Obama administration might consider. You may want to question those assumptions. I do.
Twitter / medillonthehil
Elliot Diringer, from the Pew Center on Global Climate Change reminded the committee that there are people in India who drive Mercedes.

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