Nieman Watchdog > Ask This > Nine climate questions for President Obama we discovered last year, when the Boxer-Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act crashed and burned in the Senate, there’s no substitute for presidential leadership on this issue. And as Obama himself discovered with the stimulus bill, letting Congress drive legislation and then joining the fray late doesn’t necessarily lead to the bill the president wants.Grist - Viral Video and Print Advertising Competition - Brief |
So what does the president want? It is time for Obama to make that clear — not by wading into the all the minutiae, but by explaining to the American people why a climate bill is important and what basic principles he thinks should guide it. In November, Obama called for a cap-and-trade system leading to 1990 emission levels by 2020, and an 80% reduction below 1990 by 2050. But since then, Energy Secretary Steven Chu has raised doubts about that commitment, telling the New York Times in a recent interview that alternatives to cap-and-trade, such as a carbon tax, might still emerge, and that “in today’s economic climate,” a cap-and-trade regime for the U.S. “might not be completely politically sellable” because it would put American industries at a disadvantage to their counterparts in non-carbon-constrained economies such as India and China.
Mooooooo... vrrrrooom... munch, munch... pffffft... these are the sounds of global warming. Whether you’re driving your car, eating a burger or growing rice, it’s easy to be a part of the global warming problem. But being part of the solution? Not so much. Ummm... wait – is there a solution?
That’s where Grist comes in.
At Grist, they understand that global warming is no laughing matter, but they also know that they won’t engage an audience by being dull or sanctimonious. They want the 20 – 30’s, urban progressive crowd to join us in the conversation and creating the solution. So laugh now or the planet gets it.
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