Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Now the Met Office says it too: 'apocalyptic climate predictions' are misleading :: Milo Yiannopoulos
The Guardian's environment team must have choked on their organic muesli running this one:
By and large, the scientific community has been in agreement about climate change until now. But I reckon we're about to see open warfare between experts presenting serious, evidence-based research into the state of the planet and hysterical alarmists like James Hansen, who seem hell-bent on destroying our economy through eye-wateringly expensive and totally unnecessary "emergency measures".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And yet...

Bishop Hill shows Vicky Pope (also of the Met Office) telling us that

* a 1 degree warming will lead to irreversible changes in marine ecosystems
* a 2 degree warming will lead to the irreversible loss of the Greenland ice sheet and over longer timescales to a 7m rise in sea levels
* a 3 degree warming will lead to the loss of the Amazon rainforest.

I think what's happening is that some on the warmist side are starting to see the downside of extremist alarmism. It has been so overdone that it now undermines their very credibility. I suggest that either they are trying to rein in the worst silliness in order to make some progress or else they are placing a marker so as to retain some credibility when the scare is over.