Friday, February 27, 2009

Pajamas Media » ‘Stimulating’ Scientists Into Proving Global Warming
The new Wreak-America Bill will throw billions of dollars more into global warming research, a field in which data cooking has become an open scandal. Once again, the data is being adjusted to confirm the establishment theory: humans are responsible for global warming. In actual fact, satellite observations show that the Earth is now cooling, and has been cooling for about 10 years. This confirms the anti-establishment theory that the Earth warmed prior to the late 1990s due to the then-increasing number of sunspots, and is now cooling due to the now decreasing number of sunspots. The Wreak-America bill contains funds to “adjust” those pesky satellite observations, so that the data will confirm what powerful politicians wish to be true.
McCain Says Obama’s Climate Plan Faces Tough Road in Congress
Feb. 27 (Bloomberg) -- Senator John McCain, who backs tougher laws to fight climate change, blasted President Barack Obama’s plan to raise revenue from an emissions-trading system and said he will have a tough time getting support from Congress.
Top Japanese Scientists: Warming Is Not Caused By Human Activity
The total lack of exposure that this major report has received is another example of how skewed coverage of climate change is toward one set of hypotheses.

This serves the agenda to deliberately whip up mass hysteria on behalf of governments who are all too eager to introduce draconian taxation and control measures that won’t do anything to combat any form of warming, whether you believe it to be natural or man-made.
Vote for your ‘conference’ take-home message prediction! « International Journal of Inactivism
What will be the take-home message of the Heartland Institute's "2009 International Conference on Climate Change"?

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