Monday, February 23, 2009

Prometheus » Blog Archive » Gore Pulls CRED Data From Talk
Now that Gore has admitted that including the slide based on CRED data was a mistake, it raises a more fundamental: How could it be that Al Gore presented obviously misleading information before a large audience of the world’s best scientists, which was then amplified in a press release by AAAS, and none of these scientists spoke up?
Clinton, Gore: It's the Clean-Energy Economy, Stupid
Mr. Gore’s not taking public awareness of climate change for granted either, an Oscar and a Nobel prize notwithstanding. “The phrase ‘planetary emergency’ still sounds shrill to many ears,” Mr. Gore noted. It shouldn’t, he said, continuing a recent campaign to paint research by fellow Nobel winner the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as too conservative.

Whenever scientists compare actual data on things like greenhouse-gas emissions and melting ice with their own forecasts, Mr. Gore said, “in most instances they are right at or above the worst-case projections.”
How about actual data on things like temperature?

An End Run Around Congress To a Regulatory Morass |
It’s a complicated process, but here’s the gist: They are trying to get the Environmental Protection Agency to find that greenhouse gas emissions are “pollutants” that “endanger” public welfare, a ruling that automatically results in regulation under the Clean Air Act. This is not a good thing. As noted by my colleague Marlo Lewis, if the EPA were to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act, it would result in a regulatory nightmare.

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