Sunday, February 15, 2009

Two carriers stopped flights of prop planes in cold weather : Home: The Buffalo News
WASHINGTON — Two airlines stopped flying turboprop planes in icy climates after deadly crashes similar to the one that claimed 50 lives Thursday in Clarence — and the nation’s former top transportation safety official said the lessons of such earlier crashes should have prevented last week’s tragedy.
Temperatures sank to record lows for the second night in a row. - swissinfo
Temperatures fell to a new record low for the second consecutive night in Switzerland after the mercury sank to –32.5 degrees early Sunday morning.
From Missouri: The county is still suffering from the effects of the severe ice storm
Residents from Kennett, Steele, Hornersville, and Rives, have had many experiences throughout the power outage and some remain without an energy source.

Carolyn Edleston, of Steele, Mo., is still out of power and has suffered for three weeks since her power was disconnected.
The Two Jeffs on Emulating Stieg « Climate Audit
Jeff notes that the Peninsula is less than 5% of the land mass, but has over 35% of the stations (15 of 42). Jeff shows that the reported Steig trend is cut in half merely through geographic grouping...
The irrelevance of geography is something that we've observed in other Mannian methods, starting right from the rain in Maine (which falls mainly in the Seine.) In MBH98, geographic errors didn't "matter" either. The rain in Spain/Kenya error in Mann 2008 only "mattered" because the hemisphere changed. Had the error stayed in the same hemisphere, it wouldn't have "mattered". Gavin Schmidt and Eric Steig took umbrage at someone bothering to notice a geographic error in the Supplementary Information.

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