Tuesday, February 03, 2009

What Happened to ‘Painless’ Carbon Dioxide Reduction to Greet, Meet, and Exceed the Kyoto Protocol Targets? — MasterResource
So what happened to the idea that a carbon diet would give the economy a nutritious free lunch? We have heard for so long that economists got it all wrong with their high cost estimates of meeting Kyoto.
It is an open secret that a climate bill in 2009 is improbable...
Just what we need | MLM Carbon Trading
The Carbon Advice Group has launched what they say is the world’s first multi-level affiliate carbon offset network today at CarbonAdviceGroup.com.
I say: Bring it on
The Obama team must devote significant effort to undoing the disinformation and muzzling of the past eight years.
Discover Orwell - Chris Horner - Planet Gore on National Review Online
I found a Discovery Channel version of the AFP story “Earth’s Magnetic Field Changes Climate,” but they apparently decided the story was better with a different conclusion and so edited it to spin it 180 degrees the other way.

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