Monday, March 02, 2009

Australia: Green loan scheme in doubt as banks lose interest
DOUBTS have been cast over the Federal Government's promise to offer low-interest loans to households wanting to become more energy and water efficient.

No bank has yet agreed to be part of the $300 million scheme although it is supposed to start later this year.
Prometheus » Q&A Thread to in Response to Joe Romm
8. I have been banned from Joe Romm’s blog, so I cannot post this link there, so if a reader would do so, I would be obliged.
How likely is that cap and trade revenue? - Megan McArdle
Third, I think it is decidedly iffy whether congress actually passes any cap and trade system with teeth. For a cap and trade system to work, it will have to make energy more expensive at a time when incomes are declining. This will be very, very, very unpopular. I imagine the Democrats will try to get the Republicans to kill it for them, but they don't have much margin--one flipping Republican in the Senate and a few in the house should let them pass it. If the Republicans are smart, they will provide three moderate Republicans in the Senate, a few Republicans from safe seats in the House, and make the Democrats suffer the consequences of raising the price of gas and electricity. But I doubt they'll be smart; they'll do Pelosi's dirty work for her.

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