Saturday, March 07, 2009

Australia: Shining light on the problem of frost
Although the sun is shining, many WA grain growers are still counting the cost of a severe frost at –4oC on the night of September 22, 2008.

Overall financial loss to growers was around $105 million, says consultant Garren Knell of Consult-Ag.
For the past 30 years in WA, the incidence of frost has increased.
Climate change - it's part of natural cycle
"The science is flawed; and if the science is flawed then the whole concept of emissions trading is invalid."

Prof Plimer said climates always change, always have and always will.

"Climates change in cycles and will change randomly," he said.

"Where those cycles change are based on where that solar system is in the galaxy, how our orbit wobbles, how energetic the sun is, tidal effects and extraordinary events such as massive volcano eruptions."

"What you don't see is any evidence in the past, and that is only 4567 million years, that carbon dioxide has driven climate change.

"It is the exact inverse."
Polls - Farm Weekly
Q: Should the Federal Government delay the introduction of an emissions trading system?

Yes - the economy is too vulnerable

No - action on global warming is needed now


Total Votes: 1001
Poll Date: 1/03/2009

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