Monday, March 02, 2009

Beyond Caffeine videos: the energy of 12,000 people who believe in a scam « It’s Getting Hot In Here
..the energy here is enough to keep us going right through the rally (in the snow) tomorrow.
American Thinker: The Farce of Global Warming
Wholesale acceptance of human-caused global warming does not, in fact, exist. Indeed, many scientists believe that the highly politicized global warming scare is one of the greatest scams inflicted on the planet. They hold it responsible for enforced political restrictions on legitimate scientific inquiry and dissent and feel that a deliberate attempt has been made to silence prominent atmospheric and climate scientists who offer legitimate criticism.
Pro Commerce: Another simple test
If you know a human-caused-global warming believer, here is a test to propose (don't get hit or antagonize a friend): name one established scientist who has presented the human-caused-global warming evidence in a clear coherent argument.
MASON CONSERVATIVE: Jon Huntsman Is Allegedly Worth Listening Too
Without acknowledging and addressing issues like climate change, Huntsman said the party stands to lose not only the youth vote but also the constituencies that once formed core GOP’s strongholds--what he called “the old suburbias.”

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