Sunday, March 01, 2009

A bit of history

BP purchased solar interests from Enron
BP Solar also maintains a manufacturing facility in the United States in Frederick, MD. The Frederick facility is currently undergoing a major expansion to increase production for an expected increase in demand in the coming years. The plant opened as an independent solar power company, Solarex, in the 1970s. Solarex was taken over by Amoco/Enron in 1983 and later became a part of BP.
GE Completes Enron Wind Acquisition; Launches GE Wind Energy
(CSRwire) ATLANTA, Georgia - GE Power Systems today officially entered the wind power industry, announcing that its acquisition of certain assets of Enron Wind Corp. has been completed.
Wall Street Extorts Kyoto Protocol: Lehman, Enron and other Cap-and-Trade Coincidences | CEI Lehman Brothers lies in ruins, let us take notice of certain coincidences. For example, as Lehman melted down, observers spotted the web of climate-specific similarities connecting that company’s priorities and activism and Enron’s. Like Enron, the bank was a strong promoter of carbon pricing, and its recommendations on the subject had begun to be adopted by governments around the world. Lehman was also the banker for Gore’s private equity firm, Generation Investment Management.

As it happened, one of Lehman’s managing directors, Theodore Roosevelt IV, was also the Pew Center’s chairman, as Lay was their star before him. Roosevelt is also a board member of Gore’s Alliance for Climate Protection. In fact, like Lay, Roosevelt sits on the boards of many environmental pressure groups pushing the climate change agenda in which Lehman had heavily invested itself.

1 comment:

April E. Coggins said...

I'm glad someone else is taking notice of the extraordinary coincidences. In my opinion, untangling and exposing the tangled web of energy companies, banks and Pew would "solve" the global warming crisis and possibly the global financial crisis.

Unfortunately, the people who have the power to investigate the corruption are in on the scam.