Thursday, March 12, 2009

Climate Change Conference: Genocidal Global Warming Policies will Kill Hundreds of Millions
Monckton said, "There never was a climate crisis, there is not a climate crisis, and there will be no climate crisis. Since there is no climate crisis, the leaders of the world must have the courage to do nothing."

Monckton said that there is no climate crisis, and told the conference that the environmental movement has gone too far. "The environmental movement has to be outlawed, because their policies have murdered 40 million people, mainly children, with the ban on DDT." He added, "They have caused mass starvation and food riots with their nonsensical drive for bio-fuels. The forces of darkness in the environmental movement want create a new dark age in which humanity is pushed back to the Stone Age and without the right to light a fire."
Reader's Forum - Tampa Bay Newspapers
The global warming inverted pyramid is dangerously close to a tipping point that should lead to its demise. This is partly due to a small cadre of respected scientists who, in the face of scandalous behavior by their peers, continue to participate in the scientific process. It is also partly due to an extraordinarily long solar cycle 23 and a likely weak pair of upcoming solar cycles 24 and 25. Coupled with a recent swing to cooler oceanic cycles, the likelihood of a major volcanic eruption, and a weak solar magnetic field allowing higher cosmic ray fluxes to impact Earth and create more low-level clouds, the globe will likely experience significant cooling over the next 25 years.

I, for one, hope the inverted carbon pyramid collapses before more damage is wrought on our economy and on the lives of more than a billion people worldwide who today lack clean water, sanitation, medications, food, affordable energy and education.

Chris Yakymyshyn
Clouding Up Man-Made Global Warming: Final dispatch from the International Conference on Climate Change in New York - Reason Magazine
Theon told the audience that while he remained silent on the issue of global warming when he retired from NASA, he now felt he needed to speak out. "This whole thing is a fraud," said Theon. "We need to educate the public about what we're going to get into unless we stop this nonsense." The nonsense being the deleterious effect that carbon rationing would have on economic growth and jobs.

Next up was Christopher Monckton, a former advisor to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Monckton delivered a high energy stem-winder mocking global warming "bedwetters" and praising the conference participants for their courage in opposing the activists' global warming juggernaut.

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