Sunday, March 01, 2009

Don't miss this: Lawrence Solomon: The art of the green disinvite - FP Comment
An environmental veteran and global-warming skeptic finds himself frequently disinvited to debate the likes of Elizabeth May
Not again! Big DC Snowstorm to Greet ‘Largest public protest of global warming ever in U.S.!’
The ‘Gore Effect’ Strikes again - this time it impacts NASA’s James Hansen!
Mitt Romney on cap and trade
Turning to energy, Romney agreed with Obama on the goal of energy independence.

"But his cap and trade proposal is exactly the wrong way to go about it," Romney said. "It would tax American citizens and American employers and send businesses and jobs to high polluting and high emitting nations like China."

He added, "Any carbon plan has to be worldwide in scope. They don't call it America warming, they call it global warming."
Global warming will help Rangers’ pitching? | Texas Rangers
...for what it’s worth, Rudy Jaramillo, the commander-in-chief of baseball hitting instructors, did offer Saturday an off-the-wall comment that could be considered hopeful, unless you’re Rush Limbaugh.

"You know all this [bleep] that’s going on around the world, weather-wise, well, we’re seeing it in Arlington," said Rudy. "The jet stream at The Ballpark ain’t what it used to be. That’s changing. I think it’ll help our arms."

What’s this? Global warming coming to the rescue of the Rangers’ pitching staff?

"It’s true," answered Rudy.

"Huh?" laughed second baseman Ian Kinsler when told of Jaramillo’s theory. "Global warming? Well, whatever."

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