Sunday, March 29, 2009

Earth hour increases electricity usage? « Samuel Dennis
Andrew Landeryou presents this graph of Sydney’s power demand on three Saturdays, the final one being Earth Hour. This past Saturday there was a large spike in usage BEFORE Earth Hour, presumably as people put forward the things they were intending to use electricity for so they could “save” power during Earth Hour.

There is some criticism of the figures on his blog, so the graph isn’t definitive. But it certainly gets you thinking…
PepTalk: A Letter to Cincinnati, 2109
In recent years, we have also begun to understand the damage many of our past (and current) practices and bad habits have done to our planet. Most citizens are greatly concerned about a trend in recent years of “global warming,” and the widespread and damaging effect it might have if it continues, both on human beings and where we live today, as well as the entire planet and its millions of species. We are struggling to come up with widescale solutions and global cooperation to solve these climate challenges. But we know we must.
Jennifer Marohasy » White Possum Back from Extinction, but Now Possum Man Has Gone Bush
Now Professor Williams has rediscovered the white possum and the media is reporting “Extinct possum back from the dead”.

This morning I tried to phone the Professor to get more information and temperature records. The phone went to message back, and there was a reassuring message letting me know he wasn’t far away. I then sent the following detailed email and got the following reply a little while later: “I will be away in the field until 7th April with limited email access.”

I think the questions in my email to Professor Williams are relevant and hopefully he can answer them on his return...

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