Tuesday, March 31, 2009

For Detroit, Going Green Means More Red Ink - Henry Payne - Planet Gore on National Review Online
In other words, the president’s vision of a green Detroit auto industry is incompatible with his declaration that the industry must become viable in return for taxpayer money. Detroit can be profitable or politically correct. It cannot be both.
Breakthrough: Are Greens Tipping the Debate Away from what Really Matters?
The assumption behind all of it is that throwing out these numbers -- four years, 10 years, 350 ppm, etc. -- will provide the public and policy makers with a sense of urgency that global warming as an issue currently lacks. But there's no evidence to back up that assumptions. If any correlation were to be drawn, it would likely be the opposite, that the increasingly apocalyptic tone of those seeking action on climate change has resulted in an increasing number of voters (according to Gallup) who believe that the threat of global warming is being exaggerated.
Did a billion people actually watch Pen Hadow count down to Earth Hour?
Pen Hadow led the countdown, watched by a billion people worldwide, to a global switch off at 2030 GMT on Saturday.
YouTube - Catlin Arctic Survey - Pen Hadow Earth Hour Countdown

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