Monday, March 16, 2009

Global Warming and The Endangered Species Act
All of this fallout was easy to predict at the time the Bush Adminstration listed the polar bear last year, but the coverage of the controversy has resolutely refused to explain to the public the enormous price tag it will be paying for the use of ice coverage models in the listing process that were at best speculative and at worse wildly so.
Evidence of Sea Contamination In Antarctic Sat Data « The Air Vent
...As far as the sea data contaminating the trends, I’ve already masked and removed the data simply by the fact that these pixels rarely drop below 10C, even in the coldest months. My point being that it wasn’t very hard to find ocean pixels and subsequently mask them out of the reconstruction.

Rather than me going on about how crazy it is to allow ocean pixels in a land reconstruction, I’m guessing some of you can help me out.
Taxes must rise to pay for climate change, MPs warn - Telegraph
Taxes will need to rise to pay for the green revolution which is necessary to save the planet from global warming, MPs warn today.

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