Monday, March 16, 2009

Alleged global warming allegedly to make N.Y. vulnerable to storms-study | Reuters
NEW YORK, March 15 (Reuters) - Global warming should lift sea levels along the U.S. Northeast nearly twice as fast as global rates this century, putting New York City at risk to damage from hurricanes and winter storm surges, scientists said.
Climate change posers-
One of the stranger spectacles of the climate change debate was the sight, earlier this month, of NASA climate scientist Jim Hansen marching hand-in-hand with Hollywood actress Darryl Hannah outside the Capitol Coal Power Plant in Washington, DC.
Coal contributes strongly to global warming, but no amount of political theatre can alter the inescapable fact that it also provides benefits that we cannot yet replicate with renewable energy. Braving arrest with Hollywood stars is a diversion. Declaring true victory over global warming will take a lot more pragmatism, and a lot more work.

( Bjorn Lomborg, Director, Copenhagen Consensus Center)
Reader's view: Global warming a prime example of junk science | Duluth News Tribune | Duluth, Minnesota
And now the government is about to impose massive carbon taxes, which will raise prices on everything dramatically. Sadly for us, it is based on junk science.

David H. Smith

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