Monday, March 02, 2009

Hansen belittles models, cap-and-trade, Kyoto; calls for coal-destroying carbon tax — MasterResource
Hansen and Ekwurzel’s remarks are noteworthy because they reveal how alarmists are dealing with data and analysis showing that the models underpinning the whole IPCC/UNFCC/Kyoto enterprise are too sensitive and “in the process of failing,” as Patrick Michaels put it recently. No matter that Hansen launched the global warming movement with model projections that have been falsified by observations. Hansen now says his views are not based on models and the science is “crystal clear” from “paleoclimate information” and the “real world.”
Twitter / Barton Sidles
working in the hotel in DC since there are 10 inches of snow outside... so much for global warming.
British Airways CEO pledges to cut net CO2 by 50 per cent by 2050
“Some people say that in economic times as desperately tough as these, we can afford to put climate change issues on one side. I could not disagree more,” said Willie Walsh, British Airways’ Chief Executive.

“Halving net CO2 by 2050 is an extremely challenging target. But it is one I am sure we can achieve. We will make progress through investment in cleaner aircraft, use of alternative fuels, more efficient flight routings and the spread of emissions trading from Europe to the whole world.”

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