Wednesday, March 25, 2009

OMB chief: Hill's budget ideas mirror Obama's plan - Nation |
It's also becoming clear that Obama's controversial global warming initiative has experienced a setback, as neither House nor Senate Democrats are directly incorporating into their budget plans Obama's controversial "cap-and-trade" system for auctioning permits to emit greenhouse gases.
Six degrees of separation « BraveNewClimate[Scam].com
A target of 300 to 325 ppm CO2 — the levels of the 1950s — is necessary if we wish to cut additional warming and start to roll back the already damaging impacts. As such, 350 is not a target, it’s a signpost to a goal.

So we’re aiming at 350 but the real goal is 300 and we’re already at 385. Do we give up?
Maybe slightly longer growing seasons could be a net benefit?
We really have to work around our short growing season here. If we wait to set out seedlings until all danger of frost is past… and this can be as late as the first two weeks of June… we end up with too late a start on the garden because we can also get frosts on the other end of the growing season as early as late August.

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