Sunday, March 08, 2009

Petrobas to Keep Investing in Oil Development - Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore on National Review Online
I wonder how you say "drill, baby, drill" in Portuguese...
Wind Watch: Living among wind turbines
Gone are the good old days of country living. The days when a cooling breeze rustled through the trees, bird songs could be enjoyed and the horizon was natural.

Gone are the silent evenings with a sky full of twinkling stars. In a wind farm area these are fading memories. The current and future fact is that we live in and are subject to the impact of a wind farm.
Wind Watch: Tilting at windmills: Are we throwing caution and common sense to the wind in the rush to meet renewable energy targets?
The rush for answers to environmental challenges has added to the panic, as regions stampede to fill renewable energy targets. My fear is that this will lead to a new breed of climate-change cowboys, who will use the environment as an excuse to obtain permission to develop a wind farm that they will build and sell on – aided in such speculations by government sweeteners and the willingness of landowners to do a deal.

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