Friday, March 27, 2009

Sanjay Khanna: "Pessimists Die Quickly" (Gulp)
But as James E. Hansen, leading climate scientist and director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, has pointed out, "The worst thing about cap-and-trade, from a climate standpoint, is that it will surely be inadequate to achieve the sharp reduction of emissions that is needed. Thus cap-and-trade would practically guarantee disastrous climate change for our children and grandchildren."

So, barring literal, Bible-style miracles, we're on direct course to Disaster. Full. Steam. Ahead.
So we're going to get a strong-kneed compromise?
During a press conference in Berlin earlier today, according to the Associated Press, Stern didn't hold back any feelings at all with regard to the US' position on Kyoto: "We do not have any interest in the United States in having a repeat of the Kyoto experience," remarked Stern, "where we signed an agreement that is dead on arrival when we brought it back home. We need to be guided on this internationally by a combination of science and pragmatism. It does not serve anyone to do a weak-kneed compromise that doesn't move us in the direction that the science is telling us we need to go. By the same token, it doesn't serve anybody to have an agreement that is scientifically pristine and perfect and which cannot be supported by our public back home."
More insanity from lead alarmist Dr. James E. Hansen
Mar. 24, 2009: Air Pollution Climate Forcings [PDF], Talk at Climate Change Congress in Copenhagen on Mar 11, 2009. Also available as PowerPoint.
The stuff on pages 6-8 of the PDF really has to be seen to be believed. Hansen actually admits that the IPCC aerosol estimate was "pretty much pulled out of a hat", then he goes into an extended schtick about asking his young grandchildren about the aerosol forcing.

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