Saturday, March 07, 2009

Should the whole UK economy be based on the greatest scientific fraud of all time?
Prime minister Gordon Brown, business secretary Peter Mandelson and energy and climate change secretary Ed Miliband launched a consultation on its Low Carbon Industrial Strategy in London this morning.

Mandelson marked out the growing importance of the Low Carbon sector, which currently employs 880,000 people in the UK.

“Low carbon is not a sector of our economy, it is, or will be, our whole economy, and a global market,” said Mandelson.
Twitter / Shetland Sheepdog
Freaky March snow in western WA today. Global warming is colder than I thought it would be.
euPortál - President Klaus: Is Environmentalism a Bigger Threat to Humanity than Global Warming?
Being often with many leading politicians, I feel frustrated that they do not listen. They already know. They fully subscribed to the idea that talking about “saving the planet” is an effective way to show their “caring” for humanity and that it is the easiest way to maximize votes irrespective of any relevant activity which would aim at the real needs of people. The global warming dogma has become a very easy form of escapism from the current reality. We should keep resisting it.
Toronto: Record snowfall more than doubles city budget
The city's snow removal budget topped $1 million last year, largely because of December's record-setting dump when 116 centimetres of the white stuff fell during a three-week stretch.

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