Monday, March 02, 2009

Tom Yulsman: Hostilities mount in the climate change war | CEJournal
For the record: I believe that former Vice President Al Gore has done more than most people to raise awareness of climate change. He is certainly to be admired and his slide show applauded. But to argue as Romm does that Gore does not tie natural disasters to global warming is to ignore the obvious.
Capitol Climate Action: Almost there
Check out this email I just received:

I don’t want to travel to DC from Frederick in the snow today. However, I am donating my bail money to an organization that fights mountaintop removal. I hope the turnout is a good one for the day. Try to stay warm.
April '07: Fossil fueled-travel prince Branson criticizes Canada for not meeting Kyoto targets
Sir Richard Branson criticized the Canadian government for not acting more quickly to meet targets set out in the Kyoto Protocol.

Reacting to environment minister John Baird's comments Tuesday that Canada's Kyoto targets won't be included in planned federal targets to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gases, the head of the UK-based Virgin group of companies said Canada is setting a bad example.

"I was incredibly shocked," said Branson, who was in Toronto early Wednesday to help launch Flick Off, a campaign to educate consumers about how to fight global warming.
That claim again: alleged lack of sea ice allegedly threatens narwhals is changes in the extent of sea-ice that may be placing them in peril.
Feb '09: Too much sea ice dooms 629 narwhals
MITTIMATALIK/POND INLET - Of the 629 narwhal carcasses now sitting frozen to the sea ice near Pond Inlet, 25 will be removed and taken to the Inuit-owned lands area of Bylot Island south of Sirmilik National Park.
The carcasses are the remains of the narwhals harvested last November after they were trapped by thickening ice. The community is still dining on the maktaaq of that epic labour, maktaaq which was also shared with other Inuit communities as far away as the NWT and Nunavik.

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