Monday, March 02, 2009

Twitter / Scott Duncombe [is that place heated with fossil fuels?]
#powershift09 Refuge is found in the appropriately humid National Conservatory
CQ Politics | Snowstorm Causes Cancellation of House Votes
House votes scheduled for Monday were canceled because of the snowstorm that hit Washington and other major East Coast cities.

The House Democratic caucus meeting set for about 7 p.m. also was likely to be canceled, House leaders said. The first votes of the week will be Tuesday at 3 p.m., Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer said.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi , who frequently flies home to California on a government passenger jet, was unable to get back to the Capitol because of the storm. She canceled her appearance at an outdoor rally for the 2009 Power Shift Conference. But the rally on the Capitol’s west front went ahead, despite the cold, blustery weather. The rally was the culmination of the conference, at which thousands of young activists from around the country were encouraged to engage in grassroots efforts to improve the environment and combat global warming.
By the way--this is supposed to be The Biggest Rally Ever for The Most Important Cause Ever, yet I haven't heard about any local sightings of Al Gore.  If he's not there, what's his excuse?  Note that Al flies everywhere else at the drop of a hat.

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