Sunday, March 29, 2009

What will happen when they finally figure out that Gore's global warming is a scam?
Reporting from Washington -- In what could be an encouraging sign of change in the long-standing shortage of Americans preparing for "clean energy" careers, the subject is suddenly hot on college campuses across the nation -- a surge of interest largely stimulated by the specter of global warming.
More alarmists on ice: Sebastian Copeland and Keith Heger Start Trek to Change the Future of the Arctic
Today, the Arctic environment is more threatened than threatening, even as the team endures -50 below temperatures on 300+ mile journey.
But the arctic environment these days is more threatened than threatening, and that's what Copeland hopes to focus on.Copeland is embarking on this trip (his fifth to a Polar region in the last four years) to raise awareness of the alarming rate of ice melt due to Global Warming. Scientists predict that in less than five years, the Arctic sea will be ice free in the summer months. In 1909, the average depth of ice at the North Pole was 12 feet while today it averages just 5.5 feet. Just twenty years ago, 80% of the Arctic sea ice was 10 years old or more. Today, just 3% of the ice is a decade old.
Lovin' the Earth Hour bonfire | Lorrie Goldstein | Columnists | Comment | Toronto Sun
The hour without power for the planet is hardly a reason to sing Kumbaya, but many will
Twitter / Chris Hodge
They are talking about the threat of global warming on the radio as I drive home in a blizzard in St. Louis in late March!

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