Thursday, March 12, 2009

Will alarmist Revkin write a major piece on disunity in his own camp?: Alarmist Yulsman takes on alarmist Romm
Could it be that global warming has fallen as a priority for many Americans in part because they now have more immediate concerns, like finding a way to pay for a visit to the doctor, and even for groceries? Or maybe even that many Americans are rightly turned off by people who scream at them that the entire world is coming to an end, and that if you don’t believe it you are a dupe of people who are the moral equivalent of Nazis?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Tom, can't you think of anything more clever than the increasingly worn-out "alarmist" label for everyone you disagree with? I mean the "alarmist" camp has a rather byzantine system of labeling, including "denier," "denier-eq" and "concern troll." They've cleaning your clock in the label wars.

Seriously, maybe you really do find me alarming. (And quite frankly, so do my kids from time to time.) But I find it amusing that some of those other labels are probably being used on me as we speak.