Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Accidental Supporter - Chris Horner - Planet Gore on National Review Online
This isn't just an exercise in saying a lot without saying anything, of having something both ways. No doubt, real, serious threat . . . but, uh, one that we'll only address if it's free.

Here's a contest: is it the first half, the last half, or both halves of that utterly inane formulation that he doesn't actually believe? (Plus, really, how long do we let politicians get away with vowing that, e.g., measures designed and intended to increase energy prices will, at all cost, not increase your energy prices? Folks, you only continue to be treated as children as long as you allow it.)

Note that Sen. Bayh does let slip one key acknowledgement: that any legislation that the U.S. passes, unless in implementation of an international deal that also requires actual reductions by India, China, Mexico, et al., will be for naught. All pain, no gain.

Thank you, Junior Senator, for taking the time to admit this — which, yes, will prove helpful. And please rest assured that we look forward to repeating this early and often, should the House ever risk repeating the BTU debacle and sending a similar bill over to the Senate for burial.
Twitter / Diogo Vasconcelos
Swedish PM at EPP Congress RT @ZigaTurk: Reinfeld: "Climate change will be top priority of SWE presidency."
Heliogenic Climate Change: Owl thermometer
"Like a living thermometer, a species of owl in Europe is turning a deep shade of red as climate change pushes temperatures ever higher, according to a new study." "Owls Getting Redder as Climate Warms"

Only one problem -- the planet has been cooling for more than a decade.
Will Solar Conference Address Slowing Trends?
But the horizon may be closer than the participants think. The global economic slowdown has severely cut into solar industry growth, and the survival or profitability of the industry may be a more important topic for discussion than the size of the industry in 2013.

The near- and medium-term profitability of the PV solar sector may not attract as many conference attendees as futuristic discussions of solar domination, but the day may come when government subsidies for solar won’t cover the losses. Maybe the conference ought to spend a few minutes on what happens then.
Warning Signs: The "L" Word
They are liberals who are convinced that “global warming” is the reason for everything from obesity to hurricanes. They neither know, nor understand climate science. It will be, however, “global warming” that the White House and Congress will use to justify the imposition of “cap and trade” legislation allegedly to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the use of the energy the nation requires.

Liberals will applaud this vain, self-destructive, witless assertion that the United States alone can change or even bother to change the climate.

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